Sawtooth Mountain Cemetery
Cemetery Information
Located at 3228 County Highway 4, Silver Bay, MN 55614
Purchasing a plot:
Beaver Bay Township residents: $475.00 per plot
$150.00 of which is deposited into the perpetual fund
Non-Beaver Bay Township residents: $625.00 per plot
$200.00 of which is deposited into the perpetual fund
There is also a $55.00 filing fee per plot purchased.
Payments made by check will have a 10-day hold for clearance of funds, payments made by cash, cashier's check or money order will be processed immediately.
Payments can be addressed to Sawtooth Mountain Cemetery
When you have decided which plot you would like, you can mail payment to Beaver Bay Township at PO Box 306, Beaver Bay, MN 55601. Please include:
Which plot(s) you would like
The name(s) to which the plot should be deeded to
The address you would like the deed mailed to
Burial fees:
Cremated remains
There is no burial fee for the internment of cremated remains, with or without an urn, on a purchased plot which may be privately arranged.
No more than two openings of a single plot is permitted
Traditional internment
The City of Silver Bay will open and close the grave, subject to their fees, which are typically paid directly by the funeral home.
Available plots:
Current Plots Available as of April 30, 2024
You will see on the layout, each lot has 4 plots
For example 401 A, B, C, D
The available plots are located on the back right section of the cemetery, at the uppermost section of the hill.
The plots that are shaded gray on the diagram have been sold and are not available.
You will find marker stakes in the ground at the cemetery which will help you to locate the front right corner of a lot.
Cemetery Lot Owner Responsibilities
After a plot has been purchased, it is the plot owners responsibility for any changes to the original plot. Such as but not limited to the digging and placement of head or footstones, or the digging for or placement of urns or caskets. (Caskets will be contracted out to the City of Silver Bay through your desired funeral home.) General maintenance of the lot including mowing and weed whipping will be provided.
Holes for Urns must be 15" by 15" and 8" deep. There must be a space above the top of the vessel of at least 4" of dirt to protect the vessel.
Lot price must be paid in full before burial and/or monuments and flower boxes may be placed on the lots.
Monument size may not exceed 32 inches in height. Monuments shall be centered on a concrete footing no less than 12 inches longer and wider than the base of the monument and not to exceed 54 inches in length. Footings must be flush with the ground and be placed on the undisturbed portion of the lot. Footstones must also be flush with the ground.
For physical burials, a permanent type vault shall be required.
Placing of seasonal memorials and flower boxes are allowed but must be confined within 18 inches of the monument. Seasonal memorials and flower boxes may be placed anytime between May 15 and October 1. Failure to comply with removal dates will result in a $15.00 maintenance fee. If no monument is present, memorials and flower boxes must be confined within the monument area. Poles erected for the use of hanging baskets or planters are allowed but must not exceed six feet in height. Ornaments or flowers displayed with the use of wires or wire-like stands are not allowed, however, a temporary exception are those stands and tripods used during and for a short time after a memorial service. All permanent memorials and plants are allowed only to the sides of a monument and must be planted at a distance of no more than 18 inches from the monument itself. These plants can consist of flowers, flowering shrubs or greenery but must not exceed three feet in height. Any improvements made to a cemetery plot are at the sole expense and option of the owner of the cemetery plot and/or the owner's assigns. No fences may be erected.
Visiting hours shall be sunrise to sunset.
Neither the cemetery nor the township shall be held liable for any damage to trees, shrubs, plants, vines or flowers resulting from mowing, trimming, pruning or any other maintenance as deemed necessary by the cemetery and/or township.